
The mind is the builder

 " Reality is a flowing thing & through
  psychic visualization we determine which way it flows"

-Oracular utterances

The idea that an Oracle was in a trance condition may have come from a misunderstanding of how the Greek words mania and pneuma were used in connection with oracles. While today the term mania refers to various forms of hysteria and insanity, to the ancient Greeks it meant ardor, rapture, enthusiasm, i.e., being infilled with a god. 

The word pneuma was used for "air," "vapor" and, philosophically, for "soul" and "spirit." When the Oracle mounted the tripod she received, according to Strabo, the pneuma, the divine "breath" or afflatus, a word defined as a divine imparting of knowledge and power and of inspiration, meaning in this case the divine wisdom or breath of Apollo.

Initiates of the Greek Mystery schools were familiar with the idea, having themselves undergone arduous moral, psychological, and mental training and purification in preparation for the sacred experience of transcendent Reality. In similar fashion, the Oracles, by subjugating a portion of their nature, were able to receive and pass on to others something of this import and wonder..

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